This Patek Philippe replica watch is the same brown as the previous one. It is also an upgraded version designed by our designer. Its dial and strap are in gentle khaki, and the case is still rose gold. Unlike purple, khaki looks very stable, forming a sharp contrast with the purple dial.
The khaki dial is decorated with concentric ripple patterns, giving a sense of security, stability, and solidity. Especially for intellectual women, this watch is very suitable for wearing. With the khaki satin calfskin strap and gold pin buckle, it is simply tailor-made for intellectual beauties.
However, some people may ask if the original Patek Philippe does not have this color combination; is the movement and material used in this watch very different? You don’t have to worry about this at all. Our craftsmanship and quality are basically the same as before; otherwise, we wouldn’t have hundreds of thousands of fans and customers around the world with sharp eyes.
Norma –
Our company’s customers are all very high-end, so we need to dress formally when discussing business. I also chose to place an order here for a long time and buy a replica watch. Now I wear it every day when discussing business, and customers can’t tell. What, very good